WARNING: Be alert to scam and phishing attempts
We have seen an increase in scam attempts recently, mainly through fraudulent calls, emails and WhatsApp or Skype messages from fictitious advisers. Remember: Alphea Conseil will never solicit payment from candidates for its services. If you receive a suspicious communication claiming to be from Alphea Conseil, please check the email address. Alphea Conseil only communicates with the following domain name: @alphea-conseil.fr or @alphea-conseil.com. If you have any doubts about the origin of an e-mail, text message or telephone call, please contact us directly at communication@alphea-conseil.fr.

General Data Protection Regulation - Privacy Policy


Alphéa Conseil is committed to protecting your data. Alphéa Conseil complies with the new General Data Protection Regulations dated May 25th, 2018. As an applicant or client of Alphéa Conseil, your rights in terms of protection and access to your personal data are evolving.

Definitions :

The Publisher : The natural or legal person who publishes and edits online communication services to the public.
The Site : All the sites, web pages and online services offered by the Publisher.
The User : The person using the Site and the services.

Nature of data gathered :

In the context of the use of the Sites, the Publisher may gather the following categories of data concerning its Users :

Disclosure of personal data to third parties

No disclosure to third parties
Your data will not be disclosed to third parties. However, you are informed that it may be disclosed pursuant to a law, regulation or decision of a competent regulatory or judicial authority.

How we use the data we collect

Perform customer management operations related to contracts:   
Orders; deliveries; invoices; accounting and in particular the management of customer accounts;

Identity data gathering

Registration and prior identification for the delivery of the service
The use of the Site requires prior registration and identification. Your personal data (surname, first name, postal address, email, telephone number, etc.) is used to fulfill our legal obligations resulting from the provision of the products and/or services, pursuant to the End User License Agreement, the Warranty Limit, if any, or any other applicable agreements. You must not provide false personal information or create an account for another person without their permission. Your contact information should always be accurate and up to date.


Identification data gathering

Use of your user ID for networking suggestions and marketing offers 
We use your login details to search for relations through connections, email addresses or services. Passwords are encrypted, so we do not know them and cannot reuse them. We may use your contact information to allow other people within the company to find your account.


Log data gathering

No technical data gathering. We do not gather or store any technical data from your device (IP address, Internet service provider, etc.).



Cookie storage time
In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, the maximum storage period for cookies is 13 months at most after they are first sent to the User's terminal, which is the same as the validity period of the User's consent to the use of these cookies. This time period is not extended with each visit. The User's consent must therefore be renewed at the end of this period.

Use of cookies
Cookies may be used for statistical purposes, in particular to optimize services provided to the User, by processing information concerning user access frequency, page personalization, as well as operations carried out and information viewed. You should know that we might place cookies on your device. The cookie records information relating to website browsing (the pages you have visited, the date and time of browsing) that we can read on any subsequent visit.

User's right to refuse cookies
You hereby acknowledge that you have been informed that the Publisher may use cookies. If you do not want cookies to be used on your device, most browsers allow you to disable cookies in Settings.

Technical data storage
Technical data storage period: Technical data is stored for the minimum period necessary to achieve the purposes referred to above.


Time limit for storing personal data and anonymization

Data storage for the duration of the contractual relationship
In accordance with Article 6-5° of French Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, files and privacy, personal data processed shall not be stored beyond the time necessary to fulfil the obligations defined when the contract was made or the duration of the contractual relationship.

Storage of anonymized data beyond the contractual relationship / after account deletion
We retain personal data for the minimum period necessary to achieve the purposes described in these T&Cs. Beyond this period, your data will not be retained.

Deletion of data after account deletion
Data purging means are in place in order to provide for their effective deletion as soon as the storage or archiving period necessary to achieve the purposes determined or imposed has been reached. In accordance with French law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and privacy you also have the right to delete your data, which you can exercise at any time by contacting the Publisher.

Data deletion after 3 years' inactivity
If you have not logged in to the Site for a period of three years, you will receive an email inviting you to log in as soon as possible for security reasons, failing which your data will be deleted from our databases.


Deletion of your account

The User may delete his or her Account at any time, by simple request to the Publisher OR by using the Account deletion menu in the Account settings.

Deletion of the account in the event of a breach of the T&Cs
Where there has been a breach of one or more provisions of the T&Cs or any other document referred to therein, the Publisher reserves the right to terminate or restrict, without prior notice and at its sole discretion, your use of and access to the Services, your account and all the Sites.

 What happens if we discover a data breach?
In the event of a data breach, we undertake to implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risks of accidental, unauthorized or illegal access, disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of your personal data. In the event that we become aware of illegal access to your personal data stored on our servers or those of our service providers, or unauthorized access resulting in the above, we undertake to:

Limitation of liability  

Under no circumstances will the undertakings in the above paragraph relating to notification in the event of a data breach be considered as an admission of fault or liability for the incident in question.

Transfer of personal data abroad
No transfer outside of the European Union
The Publisher undertakes not to transfer the personal data of its Users outside the European Union.

Modification of the T&Cs and Privacy Policy  
We undertake to inform you in the event of any substantial change to these T&Cs, and not to reduce the level of privacy of your data significantly without informing you and obtaining your consent. 

Applicable law and legal recourse Application of French law (CNIL legislation) and jurisdiction of the courts
These T&Cs and your use of the Site shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France, and in particular Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and privacy. The choice of applicable law does not affect your rights as a consumer under the applicable law of your place of residence. If you are a consumer, you and we agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts, which means that you may bring an action relating to these T&Cs in France or in the EU country in which you are living. If you are a professional, all actions against us must be brought before a court in France. In the event of a dispute, the parties will seek an amicable settlement before any legal action. In the event of failure of these attempts to settle, any dispute regarding the validity, interpretation and/or execution of these T&Cs shall be brought before the French courts, even if there is more than one defendant or if there is a warranty claim.

Data portability
Data portability. The Publisher undertakes to give you the option of having all your data returned to you upon request. The User is thereby guaranteed greater control over his/her data, and retains the possibility of reusing it. This data should be provided in an open and easily reusable format.


Right of correction

 You can correct and/or complete your personal information at any time via your applicant account:

Right to be forgotten

Only the applicant can delete his/her account. You can permanently delete your account via your personal space.

 All data relating to you will then be deleted (résumé, cover letter, telephone number, email address, etc.) however, this action is irreversible.


Right to portability

You may retrieve your personal data for personal use at any time. You can also transfer the same personal data from one organization to another. Your personal data can be sent to:

Right to object

By creating an account on the Alphéa Conseil website, you agree to receive the site's newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time via your account.



Ludovic D'HOOGHE
19A, Avenue des Langories